Monday, July 25, 2011

Emerging Social Marketing Trends

The whole concept of marketing has undergone a sea change in the digital world. It is a fact today that, with the popularity of social networking sites galloping ahead by leaps and bounds, marketers use them to great advantage. Nine out of ten internet users frequent social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn and connect with their contacts across the world. The time spent by users on networking sites is also increasing and the average user spends more than 8 hours on networking sites every month.

Recently I was contacted by a person with an offer to join an organization that promotes e commerce and gives an opportunity to its members to network and make money. The fact that the offer sounded attractive is beside the point, though I am not sure that there is a hidden catch somewhere. The point I am making is, when I went to see the presentation on the company and the details of the business, I found a large crowd of youngsters who are already doing this business. All of them recommended it to me. This shows the impact social networking has on today’s generation. Let me clarify. All the people I saw were not youngsters, though they formed the majority.

The advent of 3G has accelerated the use of e-commerce, especially in the US. India is catching up. It is said that one in four users in the US has a Smartphone. It is also said that the number of users having accessibility to the internet on their mobile phones is increasing rapidly. This penetration, along with the increasing usage, is being used by marketers to sell products and services. If I put it in the proper perspective, the social media route is the one that is most preferred by marketers since the reach is tremendous.

What must not be forgotten is that online entertainment media like videos, songs and educational media like books are also increasingly being purchased on line
In the near future will we come to a stage where traditional forms of marketing will disappear? That day doesn’t seem far off.....

Friday, July 1, 2011

Who Is the King of Social Network: Google+ or Facebook

Recently a new service Google+1 has been introduced, one more social networking site offered by Google represents a real rival to the Facebook’s Like button. After the hit by facebook on orkut, Google can no longer wait to take its revenge. The main aim for this project is to competite with facebook. Now google is ready in the battlegrounds for battle. Plus one helps to estimate what exactly people are interested of and concerned about. 

On the first look, Google+ looks cleaner, snappier and more intuitive than Facebook. And after having it used for nearly a day, the opinion has grown stronger. Every part of the user interface is faster than Facebook, and yet better on eyes. Searching for people, for instance, is super fast. Think of people search as Google Instant for Social.

This new service of Google+ will obviously enjoy high popularity among internet users as Google is the largest search engine in the world. Over half of incoming traffic comes from Google and this number is the hugest among the traffics from other sites. But can not ignore the fact that, the social networking site Facebook rank just next to it and takes the second place referring traffic.
It is worth to have Google+ button now on websites, just as Facebook. Google has become more social and its spreading faster and faster. I am with Google+ are you too?